Grant Application
THSI is not currently accepting applications
Grant Application Criteria
HeartSpace partners with other 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations who work with women, children, veterans, and animals. We primarily focus underserved populations, as well as victims of abuse, those suffering with mental and physical illnesses, and people who are unable to meet their basic needs.
We do not work with government entities, organizations whose focus is scientific or artistic development, religious organizations, or political organizations.
Grant Pre-Application
If you would like to apply for a grant, please fill out the pre-application form. We will review your submission and if you are selected to continue in the evaluation process we will send you our full application via email.
Grant Cycles
The Heartspace Initiative has two grant cycles each year. To be eligible for a grant award during the spring, grant applications must be submitted by February 28. To be eligible for a grant award during the fall, grant applications must be submitted by August 31.
Pre-Application Form
THSI is not currently accepting applications
The Heartspace Initiative
PO Box 216
Grapevine, TX 76099
The Heartspace Initiative is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Copyright © The Heartspace Initiative 2019